National portal for monitoring of indicators is the information system that may be used for bringing together indicators by any strategy, regardless of the source. The goal was to create a unique information platform which will include all of the produced indicators and which will, at the same time, be flexible enough as to support the development and coverage of new indicators that are defined in the international statistical system or that come out of the development and monitoring of the implementation of the national strategic documents. The development of such a platform enables a simple overview of the available indicators, classified by strategies, while the time required for searching them should come down to a single click. At the same time, the platform facilitates communication between all produces and enables monitoring of the quality of all indicators.

The benefits of such a system are reaped by both the producers and the users of the indicators. When designing the National Portal for the Monitoring of Indicators, the “one-stop-shop” principle was built into its foundation. Thus the users, in addition to indicators themselves, may also find available on the portal quality reports/ metadata, definitions of indicators, basic disaggregations of data, as well as the comparison of Serbia with the European countries. In this way, the users may access the desired data in a simple manner. In addition, if more complex analyses are required, there is also a direct approach to the dissemination database of the SORS where the users will have available all existing disaggregations of data, that is, the data for different sub-categories.